This Saturday, April 6 will be the 60th year for the Elmira Maple Syrup Festival right in the heart of Elmira. Festivities start at 7am. Get more info here.
Deals from Pizza Depot Waterloo
1. One Medium Pizza with 2 toppings + 1 dipping sauce = $9.99 Upgrade it to Large for $2 , Extra Large $4 2. Wings Combo – 10 pc classic wings + small fries + 591 ml pop = $16.99 Walkins or pick up only
Post your Offer or Event FREE
Let us know about your offer, discount, deal, or special event and we’ll give you a free post. It will be reposted to our Instagram and Facebook Group (Deals in Waterloo Region). Contact via email here:
FREE Playalong Songs for Guitar, Ukulele
Check out the FREE Library for Guitar or Uke players. Get playing here.
Today’s Special Deal – $10 off Bowling
Just found this deal in Coupon Clipper – $10 off an outing of bowling at in Cambridge.
5 Local Blog Post Writing Tips
Writing blog posts today is a bit different from what it was even 5 years ago. We are all learning as we go, so in this series I’ll be throwing out some ideas, along with links to resources that seem to make sense. Tip 1: Getting Blog Traffic is Competitive and Requires a Strategy The…
Publish your stuff here
This blog is maintained by Writers and Creators of Waterloo Region. We publish posts about Waterloo Region: events, happenings, special deals, etc. There are certain general rules: 1. Your stuff must be original. 2. If you use AI please “make it your own” by editing it and eliminating obvious machine language. 3. No foul language….